Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gingerdead Man

leaves and flours vegan gingerbread gingerdead man
Happy Halloween!! I have been holding on to this cookie cutter for a few weeks now, waiting for the right time to use it. And of course it's Halloween! These bad boys are a little spooky, a little gorey, and definitely tastey. I used Isa's gingerbread recipe but upped the spice content a little. Things gotta have a little extra bite on all hallow's eve! To be honest, I was pretty disappointed in the cookie cutter. I only got 2 pipeable stamped cookies out of the 9 I made. I am not sure if I just need a gingerbread that is a lot firmer or what. That cookie cutter is also giant. The cookies are bigger than my hands. And while I have pretty dainty hands, that's still a whole lotta cookie!
It has been a wild month. I can hardly believe that it's over. AND that I managed to post 31 days in a row! And made 27 different things! It's time to take a tiny break and restock my kitchen cabinets. The flour & sugar jars are both empty. I'm out of cans of coconut milk for the first time in many months. I used almost a whole jar of cinnamon! I hope that everyone else had as good of a time as I did. I'm excited to reach a few more round-up posts. Maybe I will even make one myself! What's been your highlight of the month?